During a guest room renovation the carpets are typically pulled up. With it comes dust, debris and allergens. There is typically drywall work. Drywall produces very fine dust that finds its way to the fan motor.
Bathroom tiles may be replaced. Removing and laying tiles is very dusty work. Then wallpaper and paint is applied to the walls. Both of these produce chemicals that are in the air and ultimately reside in the fan coil.
All of this construction work in the hotel guest room resides in the guest room fan coil unit…. Forever if not removed.
AirRevive refurbishment tunes up fan coil units and brings them back to their original, high-quality performance.
Refurbishment enhances guest comfort and demonstrates a commitment to the environment.
AirRevive’s services save energy, extend the life of the building’s HVAC assets, enhance guest comfort and improve guest satisfaction scores.
AirRevive’s fan coil unit refurbishing and re-commissioning services are available to hotels across the United States, Hawaii, Canada, and the Caribbean.
For more about AirRevive’s company history click here.